Worth a Look: Other Graphics Uploaded Today

Graphic: 360 Degree View of the Frog Graphic: Analytic Tool-Kit in the Cloud (CATALYST II) Graphic: A Short Story-Terrorism as a Boil Graphic: Culture Simplified Graphic: Culture Complex Graphic: Definitions Graphic: Earth Systems Graphic: Engineering Interventions Graphics: Life 101-The Tetrahedron Graphic: Life 102–Open Everything Graphic: Multinational IO + OSINT = IO2 Graphic: Participatory Budget Outreach

Journal: Europe is Reading….

Blackwater/XE behind terrorist bombings in Asia and Africa? ByWayne Madsen Online Journal Contributing Writer Jan 18, 2010, 00:25 WMR’s intelligence sources in Asia and Europe are reporting that the CIA contractor firm XE Services, formerly Blackwater, has been carrying out “false flag” terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Somalia, the Sinkiang region of China, Pakistan, Iran, and …

Reference: Protecting the Force–Lessons from Fort Hood

Phi Beta Iota: The report observes that we lack both indicators and the ability to share information about indicators across boundaries.  More disturbing to us from a public intelligence perspective is the report’s unwillingess to address the cognitive dissonance that led to the break-down of an educated multi-cultural field grade officer in the U.S. Army.