Mongoose: Pope Francis is Dirty — Pedophilia Cover-Up and Perhaps Also a Pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Participant

Did Pope Francis Help Cover Up a Sex Scandal? Letter Reveals the Pope Knew About Heinous Pedophilia Case Phi Beta Iota: Hats off to Newsweek for a decent story.  We have no direct knowledge but all indications are that all Popes to this point have at a minimum covered up pervasive pedophilia (1 in 10 …

Paul Adams: Trump Report Card 20180207

About Paul Adams: In the mid-80’s, he co-founded Tracking Technology Inc., a forerunner to GPS. He became a stockbroker for eight years, then segwayed to project finance, consulting for such notables as Darryl Quarles (writer/director of Family Ties & Fresh Prince of Belair), Larry Namer (founder of E!Entertainment), Joseph Nikolson (founder of TradeStation and, …

Sean Hannity: Memo 2.0 – Fruit of the Poisoned Tree!

The Senate releases ‘Memo 2.0,’ and it should scare you So, in addition to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee paying $12 million for a phony, fake-news Russian propaganda dossier to influence the election, we now learn that her associates and the Obama State Department teamed up with Russian sources to funnel allegations to …

Worth a Look: Book & Interview on America’s Epidemic in Child Rape, Torture, Body Harvesting, and Murder (Pedophilia ++ )

“Finally, someone with the strength and courage to expose the epidemic that is destroying our country. Child sexual abuse, in all its forms, is not and never has been just a family’s dirty little secret. It has been under our collective noses all along and we have ignored the stench. Dr. Lori Handrahan’s thorough research …

Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young: Reference Links for Internet Identity / Individual Cyber Sovereignty

Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young: EVENT 17-19 October, Mountain View, CA The Internet Identity Workshop XXV NOTE: Robert Steele will attend all three days — crypto and identity are converging to create the Autonomous Internet that will bury Amazon and Google.  Start here. Rebooting Web-of-Trust Internet Identity Workshop Wiki (Past Notes Etc.) More links below the …

Phantom Phixer: Trump’s American Heritage Strategy — Best Case Analysis for Team Trump (not the GOP) Sweeping the House and Senate in 2018

Trump’s “American Heritage Pheromone Fumigation” of The Federal Gov’t and The Coming Defenestration of The Deep State President Trump . . . is building a governing coalition -AFTER- he was elected. He was his own party faction in the GOP and he is willing and messaging into existence a resurgent, predominantly working class/suburban/rural “Heritage America” …