Robert Steele: Fire & Fury vs. Understanding Trump in Context of GOP/DNC Pedophilia & Satanic Murder of Children

I have ordered and will review both Fire & Fury and its counterpart book by Newt Gingrich, Understanding Trump. I will then do two reviews that I anticipate will exonerate our President while demonstrating that the GOP and DNC are guilty of massive embedded pedophilia & Satanic murder of children who have been tortured to …

Nafeez Ahmed: Facebook will become more powerful than the NSA in less than 10 years …

Facebook will become more powerful than the NSA in less than 10 years — unless we stop it What do NATO, private military contractors, giant arms manufacturers, wine merchants, the NSA, Trump, British property tycoons, Russian oligarchs, and Big Oil have in common? The world’s largest social network We reveal for the first time [Cambridge Analytica’s] sweeping interlinkages with …

Christopher Bollyn: The Zionist Criminal Network

Christopher Bollyn is a US citizen and journalist famed for his “solving 9/11” work. He has been crowd-stalked by Zionists and assaulted by Zionists on his private property in front of his family, subsequently convicted by a Zionist-controlled judge for “resisting arrest.” He is in many ways emblematic of both the open mindedness that makes …

Robert Steele: Fire & Fury Confirms The Accidental President UPDATE 6: UNHINGED? The Full Review

Long before Fire & Fury I nailed it. No one wanted to believe it. I got the accidental part right.  I seriously underestimated both the cleverness of the President in going after the 1% once he realized he was in fact the President, and the vulnerability of Mike Pence — back-stabber-in-chief — to eventually being …