Michael Krieger: Three Major Imbalances (Financial, Trust, Geopolitical)

Three Major Imbalances – Financial, Trust and Geopolitical The trust imbalance between rulers and the ruled has become so massive it’s all but guaranteed to detonate in a variety of unexpected and consequential ways in the years ahead. The election of Donald Trump was just the first pubic manifestation of this well deserved lack of …

Robert Steele: Afghan Papers — STOP THE LIES!

Afghanistan papers reveal US public were misled about unwinnable war “Undeniable Evidence”: Explosive Classified Docs Reveal Afghan War Mass Deception Berto Jongman: Half US Troops Consider Russia an Ally [Robert Steele: Pentagon Freaking Out Over Growing Anti-War Sentiment Among Troops and Across America] Afghanistan: a Pentagon Paradise Built on Lies Related Links Below the Fold

Zero Hedge: China’s Gold-Backed Crypto to Finish US Dollar? Or . . .

The Next Pearl Harbour? China’s Gold-Backed Crypto Currency Will Blindside US Dollar Recent, financial pundit and TV host Max Keiser outlined such a scenario, and warned that the US will be blind-sided the day that China introduces its gold-backed crypto currency – an absolute game changer which would create a “catastrophic trapdoor opening underneath the US economy,” said Keiser. …