Review: Rebooting the American Dream–11 Ways to Rebuild Our Country

Thom Hartmann Short Smart List, Not a Roadmap or Game Plan November 28, 2010 I almost did not buy this book because I know all this stuff already, but out of respect for the author, who is one of a number of individuals including Jim Fallows, William Greider, Matt Miller, Margaret Wheatley, and Tom Atlee …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China Expands to the Seas

China-Burma: Construction of a high-speed rail link between China’s southwestern province of Yunnan and Myanmar will begin in two months. The line will link Kunming, Yunnan’s capital to Yangon (Rangoon), on the Indian Ocean, according to Wang Mengshu, an academic from the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Wang said a China-to-Cambodia high-speed rail connection is under …

Review: Reflexive Practice–Professional Thinking for a Turbulent World

Kent C. Myers et al Beyond 5 Stars–a Foundation Work November 20, 2010 In combination with the other books that I am reading this week, the first by David Perkins, Making Learning Whole: How Seven Principles of Teaching Can Transform Education, the second by Curtis Bonk, The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing …

Review: Wingnuts–How the Lunatic Fringe is Hijacking America

John P. Avlon Theater–Follow the Money to Understand October 28, 2010 Unquestionable a great book, with one big missing piece: it does not follow the money back to Wall Street. Buckminster Fuller understood in the 1960’s that the White House had become theater, I did not understand his meaning until the economic meltdown and my …

My Talk With Tom Atlee: Primer on Citizen Intelligence

Robert David Steele Serial pioneer, hacking humanity. – – – – – – – Posted: October 19, 2010 09:13 AM My Talk With Tom Atlee: Primer on Citizen Intelligence Click on Title to Read at Huffington Post and do Comments. On the left, asking these questions, Tom Atlee, co-founder of the Co-Intelligence Institute and author …