Review: Project Human Extinction – The Ultimate Conspiracy

Chris Thomas and Dave Morgan 7-Star Life Transformative Fundamental Reference on Extra-Terrestials, Illuminati, Free Masons, and the Satanic Deep State After years of reading across many fronts, I was finally given this book and consider it the single best book summarizing the human experiment as an inter-galactic or cosmic experiment focused on free will, and …

Lance Schuttler: #UNRIG – Former Congresswoman & CIA Spy Call For Peaceful American Revolution

#UNRIG Former Congresswoman & CIA Spy Call For Peaceful American Revolution The Mind Unleashed, 24 May 2017 While tide turned quite some time ago, the movements taking place in our world for true freedom, peace and abundance for all are continuing to grow and converge. Part of this convergence has been a unification of former …

Andrey Kortunov: From Post-Modernism to Neo-Modernism, or Recalling the Future

Andrey Kortunov is Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council. From Post-Modernism to Neo-Modernism, or Recalling the Future The World at the Crossroads of Two Eras ABSTRACT Post-Modernism has failed for many reasons, among them its complete disrespect for legality, morality, the public interest at large, and reality. Neo-Modernism is emergent, and is characterized …

Anthony Judge: Empowering Ineffectual Outrage with the Strategically Outrageous – Beyond reactive protest, demonstration and resistance

Empowering Ineffectual Outrage with the Strategically Outrageous Beyond reactive protest, demonstration and resistance Introduction Recognition of “outrage” in the face of the “outrageous” Terrorism as primary source of outrage? Terrifying outrageous acts conventionally dissociated from terrorism Problems as evocative of outrage — or not ? Emotional outrage at outrageous opinions, conditions and actions Indignation, protest, …

Jon Rappoport: NSA Spied (Spies) on Barack Obama, Congress, Judges…No Limits, With Total Impunity

Mainstream news is Humpty Dumpty, and he’s not coming back EXTRACT: For example, consider Russ Tice, long-time intelligence-agency veteran, who led the way in bringing to light the deeper operations of the Surveillance State. Now censored by mainstream news, Tice told Boiling Frog’s Sibel Edmonds and Peter Collins, on June 19, 2013: RUSS TICE: “Okay. They …

Jon Rappoport: MKULTRA Super-Sized – CIA’s Plans to Dumb Down & Mentally Incapacitate Entire Populations

Phi Beta Iota: In this one instance, we consider this post by Jon Rappoport to be so very important that we are reproducing it in full — with permission — to provide a back-up copy and enable our readers to grasp the entirety of his offering without having to click through. Jon Rappoport is a …