SchwartzReport: The Truth is a Stake in Monsanto’s Heart — If It Had One — and If Public Had a Brain

Cancer of Corruption, Seeds of Destruction: The Monsanto GMO Whitewash   F. William Engdahl – Centre for Reseaerch on Globilization Here is the latest on the GMO trend. It is not a happy story. EXTRACT: The study was also done with the highest number of rats ever measured in a standard GMO diet study. They …

Berto Jongman: 54 Trends for 2013 + 20 IT Trends

20 Information Technology Trends 01.  Rapid Growth of Big Data with High Speed Analytics; 02 Cloud Computing and Advanced Cloud Services; 03 On Demand Services including Hardware as a Service and Software as a Service; 04 Virtualization of Storage, Desktops, Applications, and Networking; 05 Consumerization of IT; 06 Gamification of Training & Education; 07 SOcial …

Owl: World Bank Leading Eugenics Actor? + Eugenics RECAP

The article provides no substantive information on World Bank vaccination programs including undeclared sterilization protocols, but past reports have found that various parties have in fact executed such programs. Leading World Bank Demographer: Vaccination Campaigns Part Of Population Reduction Policy Jurriaan Maessen ExplosiveReports.Com October 4, 2012 On October 2nd a retired demographer at the World Bank …

Berto Jongman: Jorgen Randers Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years

SUMMARY AND COMMENTS ON JORGEN RANDERS’ GLOBAL FORECAST FOR NEXT 40 YEARS 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years. Report to the Club of Rome. Jorgen Randers (Prof of Climate Strategy, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo). White River Junction VT: Chelsea Green, June 2012, 392p, $24.95pb. ( A report to the CoR commemorating …

John Steiner: Terry Patten with Jim Turner (Audio with Summary) – Liberating the “Innate Intelligence of the Body Politic”

Liberating the “Innate Intelligence of the Body Politic” by Terry Patten On Sunday, July 15th, longtime Washington DC attorney and natural health advocate, Jim Turner, joined me for an inspiring conversation on what he calls the “innate intelligence of the body politic.” It was unlike any of my previous dialogs, focusing (on the surface) not on …