Stephen E. Arnold: Is Palantir In The Business of Raising Money?

Palantir: What Is the Main Business of the Company? I read about Palantir and its successful funding campaign in “Palantir’s Latest Round Valuing It at $9B Swells to $107.8M in New Funding.” If you run a query for “Palantir” on Beyond Search, you will get links to articles about the company’s previous funding and to …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Issue 60 November 2013

Free Software Supporter Issue 68, November 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Give freely this Cyber Monday: Introducing the 2013 Giving Guide FSF campaigns manager speaks about free software at iD Programming Academy LibrePlanet 2014 dates announced Avaneya releases libre game for GNU/Linux based on lost NASA archives Rockstar vs. Google: software patents as a license for …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Age of Ambient Everything Anthropomorphic Machine – IBM’s Watson Cybersecurity Ecosystem Cybersecurity via the UN? Cyberwar Aspects Disarmament in Africa GCHQ Monitoring Hotel Reservations Global Development and Local Peacebuilding Guantanamo Protest Song (Vimeo) NSA Cost-Benefit Ratio on Surveillance: NEGATIVE NSA Overstated Threat from Snowden Leaks

Jean Lievens: Wikinomic Innovation Redux – World Upside Down

Hothouse innovation redux: The world “upside down” Recently The Economist released a feature report on how innovation in emerging markets may be eclipsing innovation in North America. The report, The world turned upside down (click “Buy PDF” for a complimentary copy courtesy of BASF) reinforces the fact that globalization and disruptive innovation is no longer …

4th Media: America’s Threat-Centric [Lie-Based] Education System: Out of Date and Out of Time

America’s Threat-Centric [Lie-Based] Education System: Out of Date and Out of Time “History is a story. That’s why we fight over history. We make sense of ourselves, the world and ourselves in the world through the struggle to tell the truth through stories. Facts have to be contextualised to become the truth. And that truth …