John Ioannidis: Virus Lockdown – Fiasco? Decisions Being Made Without Reliable Data

A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data How can policymakers tell if they are doing more good than harm? with lockdowns of months, if not years, life largely stops, short-term and long-term consequences are entirely unknown, and billions, not just millions, of lives may …

Robert Steele: Jared Kushner, Shadow President — Coronavirus 5G Opportunity for a Revolution?

I and most of my professional colleagues hold Jared Kushner in high disdain. At one level  this is a man-child , slum-lord, agent of a foreign power (Israel) who also took a $1 billion bribe from Qatar, which should have seen him immediately expelled from the White House and denied all clearances. Many of us …

Review: OBLIVION – America At The Brink by Thomas Bearden

6 Stars For Provocation & Graphics The books of Thomas Bearden, a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel and also a PhD intelligence analyst assigned the Soviet escoteric weapons target in the 1970’s and 1980’s, were brought to my attention by John Petersen, founder of The Arlington Institute still today one of America’s foremost futurist networks …

Mongoose: Alert Reader on Coronavirus, 5G, Doctors Dying, Bill Gates, Population Culling

Alert Reader writers in: None of this adds up.  Anomalies include: 30 day military drill in Wuhan to practice pandemic drills a few weeks before Wuhan outbreak [UN military gamers capped that 18 October — great way to hide intelligence and medical specialists from multiple countries] Same day Event 201 sponsored by Johns Hopkins for …

Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Trump Peace Plan – Sheer Genius – Israel Gone by 2022

Trump Peace Plan – Sheer Genius – Israel Gone by 2022 TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), contributes regularly to Tehran Times. President Donald Trump is a genius. The “new” Palestine Peace Plan is a promising …