John Lear: Fake Casino Hides Massive Underground Construction of Super Secret Subway…

Fake Casino Hides Massive Underground Construction of Super Secret Subway… Phi Beta Iota: Best read at the original site, click on title above to go there. Safety copy below the fold in case the original site is taken down. We believe this. There appears to be another subway terminal under the Aria in addition to …

Review: The Source Field Investigations – The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations behind the 2012 Prophecies, by David Wilcock

SUMMMARY REVIEW David Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies (Dutton, 2011) 6 Star – Authentic, Compelling, Sensible Documentation and Explanation of Cosmic Consciousness, Energy, & Stellar Civilizations Reviewed by Robert David Steele This is the big picture connect the dots master work and it manages to …

SPECIAL: Robert Steele in Tehran Times on Full Disclosure (extraterrestrials, No Nuclear War, End of the Deep State?) UPDATE: Front Page Print Edition, Info to President Trump

SHORT URL: Full Disclosure: Extraterrestrials, No Nuclear War, End of the Deep State? TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), regularly answers questions for Tehran Times.

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