Chuck Spinney: Wanna Bomb Iran?: No Worries — Think Fukushima X 10 — Good-Bye Dubai, End of Gulf States — With Compelling Graphics

It is a brutal fact that no country benefited more from war during in the 2oth Century than the United States. World War I enriched and invigorated the US economy, and the self destruction of the 19th Century European state system left the US as the world’s mightiest industrial power.  World War II ended the …

Chuck Spinney: Syria, Regional War, and Turkey — Let the Ethnic Cleansing Begin!

This email builds on the information in my 8 May email entitled, The Real Scare in Syria Is Not Chemical Weapons.”  Attached below is a post from Joshua Landis’s Syria Comment blog.  Landis is a professor at the University of Oklahoma and a specialist on Syria — his blog often provides useful, insightful information. Particularly …

Chuck Spinney: Understanding the Arab Transformation — Political & Economic Harmonization, Not Democratization, Is Core First Step

Below is a very interesting summary of the political tensions among secularism and religion and modernism and tradition in Tunisia.  I think the author, who I do not know but whose writings I have followed, is one of the most knowledgeable observers of the Arab Spring. Chuck Spinney Washington Report on Middle East Affairs April …

Chuck Spinney: The Real Scare in Syria is Not Chemical Weapons But Rather Regional War

I visited Levantine Syria [1] for three memorable days in 2008 and was struck by the welcoming, friendly nature of the Syrian people, their effusive pride in Syria’s multicultural heritage,  and a pervasive atmosphere of optimism.  I had the impression Syria was emerging from the darkness of the Hafez Assad dictatorship. To be sure, his …

Chuck Spinney & Philip Giraldi: CIA Drones for Corrupt Regimes

Note that in addition to propping up Quisling centers at expense of the tribal periphery, we  will be fanning the fires of the sectarian warfare and killing gobs of innocents with more signature strikes (note dependency on “technical collection”). Drones for “Regime Protection” The CIA’s insurance plan for Karzai and Maliki—and what it means for …

Chuck Spinney & Philip Giraldi: The Poisonous (Treasonous?) Influence of the Neo-Cons…Why Isn’t the FBI Going After Them?

While there is little that is new in the attached article by Philip Giraldi; it is nevertheless very important and well worth reading.  Giraldi has produced an excellent summary of the truly poisonous influences on US foreign and defense policies, a group more accurately described by the collective modifier neo-conmen. He describes how the influence of this movement’s …

Chuck Spinney & Mike Lofgren: Is War Good for the Economy?

In the attached essay, my very good friend Mike Lofgren raises the question of whether defense spending is good for the economy.  This is a current issue because the threat of defense budget reduction is being countered by arguments asserting that these reductions will push the economy into recession.  More generally, the political addiction to …