Worth A Look: European Media Monitor (EMM)

Mr. Gerhard Wagner, MA Informatics, works for the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and is leading the EMM Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Suite as part of the research agenda. His briefing, which should be posted soon at the Danish Counterterrorism Conference website, is excellent, and the capability being briefed equally impressive.  His biography is at …

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 27 Oct 09

Hot Topics AA: Uruguay #1 for Prosperity in South America; Venezuela and Bolivia the Worst 10/26/09 CL: Chile president proposes limiting military courts 10/27/09 CO: Uribe requests repatriation of Colombians murdered in Venezuela 10/26/09 DO: Lucrative charcoal spurs Dominican- Haitian crime cartels 10/26/09 HN: Honduran forces blast recordings of sound effects outside Brazilian embassy 10/22/09 …