Berto Jongman: Free Online Education Revolution

Do online courses spell the end for the traditional university? Carole Cadwalladr The Observer, Saturday 10 November 2012 Publishing, music, shopping, journalism – all revolutionised by the internet. Next in line? Education. Now US academics are offering world-class tuition – free – to anyone who can log on, anywhere in the world, is this the …

Mini-Me: US-UK to Persist in Destabilizing Syria — Never Mind the Fiscal Cliff, Decade of War “Coming to An End” Etcetera

Huh? 2012-11-07  Britain to organise armed Syrian rebels into efficient fighting force 2012-11-07   Efforts to oust Assad from Syria shift after US presidential election concludes 2012-11-07  UN flays Syria war spillover 2012-11-06  Syria envoy warns country could turn into Somalia 2012-11-06  From a distance, Syria ‘feels’ like Iraq in 2004 Phi Beta Iota:  “Do not …

Lou Dobbs: Bloomberg “Talk to the Hand” and Obama/Panetta Fail to Perform — Where are the GP Tents with Heaters, the Field Kitchens, the Medical Triage?

Speaking on Fox News today Lou Dobbs blasted the Obama Administration and Mayor “Talk to the Hand” Bloomberg.  While he exaggerates in relation to Katrina and Bush being blasted (Sandy is 40,000 displaced persons, Katrina was 700,000), he does make the obvious point upon which we elaborate–where is the US military with General Purpose (GP) …

Yoda: Ethiopian kids hack OLPCs in 5 months with zero instruction

With them, Force is. Ethiopian kids hack OLPCs in 5 months with zero instruction What happens if you give a thousand Motorola Zoom tablet PCs to Ethiopian kids who have never even seen a printed word? Within five months, they’ll start teaching themselves English while circumventing the security on your OS to customize settings and …

Yoda: 100 Terabits Per Second with Coiled Beams of Light

Mind-Saber! Coiled Beams Of Light Send 100 Terabits Per Second Through The Air Engineers could use the technology to produce the fastest Internet ever. By twisting light beams, engineers could produce the fastest Internet ever. Today, for the speediest broadband, fiber-optic cables transmit information in pulses of light. Since the early 2000s, physicists have been …