Journal: Dennis Kucinich Introduces Monetary Reform

Dear Friends of the American Monetary Institute, IMPORTANT MONETARY NEWS ALERT:   MAJOR, HISTORIC PROGRESS BEING MADE On Friday December 17th Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D,Ohio, 10th District) took a crucial and heroic step to resolve our growing financial crisis and achieve a just and sustainable money system for our nation by introducing the National Emergency …

Journal: Ron Paul C-SPAN’s Newsmakers + Ron Paul RECAP

Focus on tax package, Republican future, focus on Federal Reserve and oversight if not termination of the Federal Reserve.  Focus on danger of central economic planning.  Do not attack individuals, but rather the “system.”  It’s going to get a lot worse.  Need more transparency.  Everything Fed does is secret and they have a budget bigger …

Reference: The Private War of LtCol Tony Shaffer

Shaffer’s book rips the lid off several stories the bureaucrats wanted to suppress: the role of a program named Able Danger in yielding information that could have uncovered the 9/11 plot; Operation Dark Heart, which could have nabbed Al Qaeda’s number two leader; and early indications that Pakistan’s spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, …