Mini-Me: Web Hosting Firm ServerBeach Cannot Be Trusted…

Huh? How a single DMCA notice took down 1.45 million education blogs Web hosting firm ServerBeach recently received a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) violation notice from Pearson, the well-known educational publishing company. The notice pertained to Edublogs, which hosts 1.45 million education-related blogs with ServerBeach, and it focused on a single Edublogs page from …

Yoda: Google Evil – Threat to National & Individual Security

Google’s data mining raises questions of national security The ability of any company to ‘mine the mosaic’ of personal data has consequences far beyond individuals’ privacy Bryan Cunningham, Monday 15 October 2012 An imminent report on an emerging threat to individual privacy to be issued by the European data protection authorities raises even more …

Marcus Aurelius: National Geographic Plugs President on 4 November with Highly-Spun Bin Laden Narrative

At link is a trailer for a film supposedly to be released 04 Nov on National Geographic channel. ‘Vote Looming, National Geographic to Exhibit Dubious, Politicized bin Laden Raid Narrative’ | The Internet Chronicle By Tyler Bass, on October 14th WASHINGTON – The trailer for an upcoming film on the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin …

David Isenberg: Secret Contracting – Totally Beyond the Reach of Inspectors-General

The use of private contractors is not just for the Pentagon or the State Department. It is also for that frequently crashing collection of agencies euphemistically known as the intelligence community (IC). I have written previously on this but let’s consider some of the costs of using contractors in the IC. The following is taken …

Eagle: Pirate Party International & Pirate Party USA

Worth a look. Pirate Party is a label adopted by political parties in different countries. Pirate Parties support civil rights, direct democracy and participation, reform of copyright and patent law, free sharing of knowledge (Open content), information privacy, transparency, freedom of information, free education, universal health care and a clear separation between church and state.[citation …

Paul Craig Roberts: IO Pulse for Thinking America – Don’t Vote for Evil in Any Form – Labor, Not Capital, Should Be the Center of Gravity

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Don’t Vote For Evil Back during the …

Berto Jongman: Strategic IO Lite – Moderate Muslim Voices As Understood from Tampa, Florida

Seventh Pillar, Inc. is an education nonprofit 501c3 (founded in 2008) in the process of building a simple yet robust online library of Muslim voices against violence–translated by credentialed linguists into 20 languages. Seventh Pillar, Inc. remains strictly non-political, non-religious, unbiased, and independent.  Seventh Pillar, Inc. is not affiliated with any government, government-connected entity, or …