SmartPlanet: Cell Phones – 6 Billion of Them – and Intelligence

There are 6 billion cell phone subscriptions worldwide There are now almost as many cell phone subscriptions as people. A new report on global technology development by the International Telecommunication Union found that there were 6 billion mobile subscriptions at the end of 2011 — 7 billion people inhabit Earth. China and India each have …

Michel Bauwens: The Third Wave: Peer-to-Peer Immaterial Expansion

Peer to peer and the feudal transition Executive Summary: First Wave: Extensive Development (Expansion across Space using Slaves) Second Wave: Intensive Development (Material Development Upgrading Slaves to Serfs) Third Wave:  P2P Development (Immaterial Developments Upgrading Serfs to Seers) 10 September 2012 In this thought capsule, inspired by the reading of the very stimulating book Deep …

Marcus Aurelius: Australian Media – USG Calls Assange as an Enemy of the State + Wikileaks RECAP

Julian ASSANGE probably is a bona fide “enemy of the State;” not sure that is actually an official US Government term.   However, since the first hoopla about Bradley MANNING and Wiki-leaks came out a couple of years ago, I’m not sure the troops have been adequately warned that reading Wiki-leaks sites is proscribed.  At that …

Tim O’Reilly: A Conversation About the Clothesline Paradox

“THE CLOTHESLINE PARADOX” A Conversation with Tim O Reilly Edge, [10.4.12] If we’re going to get science policy right, it’s really important for us to study the economic benefit of open access and not accept the arguments of incumbents. Existing media companies claim that they need ever stronger and longer copyright protection and new, draconian …

Paul Craig Roberts: A Skeptical Look at Claimed Gains in Employment

October 5. Today’s employment report fOrom the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows 114,000 new jobs in September and a drop in the rate of unemployment from 8.1% to 7.8%. As 114,000 new jobs are not sufficient to stay even with population growth, the drop in the unemployment rate is the result of not counting discouraged …