Berto Jongman: Johan Galtung Keynote to UN Human Rights Council – Twelve Theses for Creating a New Equitable World That Works for All

Peace, human rights and development in multi-polar and evolving world Johan Galtung TMS, 2 October 2012 Keynote Speech at the UN Human Rights Council SOCIAL FORUM – Oct 1, 2012 Your Excellencies! The title for this Sixth Social Forum – in the context of the 10 Articles of the UN Declaration on the Right to …

Search: solutions for prosperous world UPDATED to include readings & contact info

Updated 29 October 2012 to include frequent search request “readings about solutions for a prosperous world” also added skype and email contact info New integrated search term:  readings about solutions for a prosperous world The proven process of intelligence is not secret, not federal, and not expensive.  Thinking is free.  What matters is the strategic …

Josh Kilbourn: US Banks Under Minor Cyber-Attack – Probable Israeli False Flag — Meanwhile US Cyber-Security Largely Vaporware + Meta-RECAP

High Alert! Millions Of Bankers Cant Bank Online. BofA Blames Hackers From Middle East. Bank Cyber Attacks By Iran? Black Monday October 1, 2012? The financial and banking industries are on high alert tonight as a massive cyberattack continues, with potentially millions of customers of Bank of America, PNC and Wells Fargo finding themselves blocked …

Yoda: $16 Trillion Or So – Opportunity Costs & Integrity Lost

QE For the People: What Else Could We Buy With $29 Trillion?   (September 24, 2012) Central banks could be helping communities instead of enriching predatory, parasitic “too big to fail” banks and financial feudalism. In a system that depends on lies and the credulity of the citizenry, the greatest lie is that the Federal …

Jennifer Sims: The Future of Intelligence (3 Videos)

Interview: The future of intelligence (5:29) In this first video (5 mins), Dr Sims looks at the information revolution – how the rise of the internet has fundamentally altered intelligence-gathering techniques, bringing challenges and opportunities in a globalised security environment. The future of intelligence (part 2) (4:07) In part two of my interview with world renowned …

Graphic: Graph Entropy

Source Phi Beta Iota:  This would be even more interesting if citation analytics and disciplinary dictionaries could be cross-referenced, that would potentially identify MISSING words and concepts, and POTENTIAL relationships between disciplines now operating in isolation from one another.  There are many information pathologies buried within all existing texts and images, there appears to be …