Worth a Look: Books on Mexico and the United States — DHS, NAFTA, Border, Immigration, Merged Cultures & Bandit Zones

2015 A Narco History: How the United States and Mexico Jointly Created the “Mexican Drug War” The “War Against Drugs”: who started it, and why? What are its consequences in real terms, not mere statistics, for the people most affected by it? One hundred thousand deaths later-with the vast majority of those killed innocent citizens, …

2015 Robert Steele: The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes

The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes CounterPunch, 6 July 2015 The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has released the National Military Strategy. As a propaganda document, presenting weakness as strength and seeking to gain trust in that which should not be trusted, it is stellar. By naming four main enemies (Russia, Iran, …

Review: Killing Hope – US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II

William Blum 5.0 out of 5 stars Essential Reference on the Toxicity of US Military at Direction of Political Criminals, July 3, 2015 This is the UPDATED edition bring this long-standing historical tour de force up from the last edition that ended in 2008, to 2014. This means that it includes the newest elective wars …

Robert Steele: Vilification of the Confederate Flag is Abusive, Despicable, Ignorant Public Misbehavior

Every time I think I have seen President Obama hit bottom he exceeds my previous expectations. The recent vilification of the heritage of half the country, criminalizing the symbol of that heritage for tens of millions of Americans, is gratuitously divisive, to say the least. It also displays a stunning ignorance of history, and a …