Mini-Me: CIA Bimbo Eruption or Hit Job with Vickers Replacing Patreaus? Photos Updated 14 Nov

Huh? “The harassing e-mails Broadwell sent to the woman [evidently from Patreus’s personal email account and computer] said things such as “I know what you did,” “back off” and “stay away from my guy,” a government official said.” “This is about something else entirely, and the truth will come out,” Broadwell’s dad, Paul Krantz, told …

Reflections: Intelligence for the President Revisited

SHORT URL TO SHARE WITH OTHERS: I am delighted to find some of my earlier work being looked at with new eyes. Intelligence for the President–and Everyone Else: How Obama Can Create a Smart Nation and a Prosperous World at Peace (CounterpPunch, Week-End Edition,Feb 29 – Mar 02 2009) Fixing the White House and …

Mini-Me: Karl Rove’s Final Prediction – Romney by 32 Electoral College Votes – Obama Wins Big – The Fix Was In But Hispanic Voters Rule

UPDATE:  Obama won — “nine ways” was not enough to repress the Hispanic vote, 71% for Obama. Huh? Karl Rove’s final Romney-Obama prediction: A 285-253 Electoral College squeaker Andrew Malcolm, 6 November 2012 EXTRACT: Rove’s final Electoral College prediction: “Without twelve toss up states (MN, NV, CO, IA, WI, MI, OH, PA, NH, VA, …

Dolphin: 30 Days Warning No Protest CIA Acts Pentagon Freezes

A few days old, but a good effort by a citizen. Benghazi: A Reader Assesses the Evidence [Updated] John Hinderaker in Benghazigate PowerLine, Posted on October 27, 2012 A reader, relying on publicly available information, has reconstructed what we know and can infer about what happened in Benghazi. I haven’t tried to verify all of …

Penguin: (Un)Classified Cable – Three Updates All Sad

This will only get worse….. Classified Cable From Benghazi Warned That Consulate Couldn’t Withstand a ‘Coordinated Attack’ (3 UPDATES!!) Chron, Thursday, November 1, 2012 Let me get this straight. A month before the attack in Libya, an Aug. 16th secret cable was sent to Sec Hillary Clinton and others in the State Department from the …

Dolphin: Obama’s Katrina On Top Of Obama’s Dead Ambassador?

The contrast between Obama’s platitudes and his being in Las Vegas, and the 3 million out of power, gas, heat, food, and water is stark.  Benghazi is not quite a Tehran Embassy take-over, but in today’s climate, with an apparent cover-up underway, it’s close. Exasperation builds on Day 3 in storm-stricken NYC NEW YORK (AP) …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria & Libya Update – US Poor Judgment Faulty Intelligence on Multiple Levels

Syria-US: US can no longer support the Syrian National Council (SNC) as the “visible leader” of opposition forces. US Secretary of State Clinton and other U.S. officials reportedly are fed up with infighting among the SNC leaders and have become convinced that the group does not represent the interests of all ethnic and religious groups …