Fixing Intelligence II: Seven Precepts (PORTAL) – Of Immediate Use to the New Acting DNI

Fixing Intel II: Seven Precepts (PORTAL) Robert David STEELE Vivas Whoever Donald Trump picks as the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), that person will be a placeholder and incapable of supporting the President with decision-support across all threats, policies, and budgets absent a Presidential decision to completely re-build and re-direct the the US Intelligence Community …

Robert Steele: Barack Obama Mis-Informed, John Brennan a Liar — Van Jones (Crap News Network) and Marc Zuckerberg (Facebook) are All Outright Liars — Fake News is What White House, Mainstream & Social Media Mandarins “Do” UPDATE 2

UPDATE 2: Calls to delay electoral college vote on Trump presidency as 70 members demand Russia hack details UPDATE 1: Sam Biddle at The Intercept: Here’s the Public Evidence Russia Hacked the DNC — It’s Not Enough Here is the “official” narrative from the White House relying on CIA (John Brennan, not the many good …

Erik Kleinsmith: Fake News and Data Mining: Mapping Today’s Media for Intel Analysis

Fake News and Data Mining: Mapping Today’s Media for Intel Analysis Whatever your take on the 2016 U.S. presidential election, it is becoming obvious that one of the biggest losers of the campaign was the mainstream media. After generations of relying upon newspapers and network news to tell us what is going on in the …

Phantom Phixer: CIA Declares War on US Public — Media Complicit, Lies Rule

From the Political Film Blog, very high quality filter…. CIA Declares Psychological War on US Public The media is being played like a “Mighty Wurlitzer” today, from the foundation corrupted hacks at Alternet, to the insider pros at the Washington Post – the entire US media establishment seems to have forgotten the difference between a claim and …

Owl: Are Koch Brothers Behind the PropOrNot Campaign to Discredit Those Skeptical of the Fake News and Lies from the Mainstream Media, Wall Street, and the US Government?

Who is Behind Prop or Not? The backers of the mysterious web site “prop or not,” which lists hundreds of allegedly fake news web sites, have appeared to be identified by the investigatory web site, “Wall Street on Parade,” according Paul Craig Roberts: The Martens find PropOrNot background ties to the billionaire Koch brothers, to …

Berto Jongman: US Mainstream Media Censoring News of Massive Pedophilia Ring Busted in Norway

Mainstream Media Ignore Largest Child Porn Bust In History One of the largest child sex abuse cases in modern history uncovered by Norwegian police has been shamelessly ignored and covered up by Western media outlets. The year-long investigation named “Operation Darkroom,” has so far resulted in the seizure of 150 terabytes of child porn involving young children and …