Owl: Beyond Trump to Trumpism — Dump the Man, Build the Movement

Beyond Trump to Trumpism In a recent Tweet, John Robb states that Trump thought, mistakenly, that his candidacy was about him. No, rather it was about his insurgency and the ideas justifying it. Justin Raimondo has recognized this in his own way in a new column (plus others) where he makes the case that Trump …

Gregg Phillips: Three Million Illegal Votes — Data Backs Up Assertion by Donald Trump (Analytics, Algorithms, and Hundreds of Millions of Data Points)

Twitter Melted Down Over Three Million Illegal Votes I recently became internet famous for a tweet (above) after having been identified as the source for a similar tweet by President-elect Trump. Twitter blew up. I found myself wondering if I was really a Russian or Israeli spy. Did I really murder people in an armed …

Norie Huddle: The Assassination of WikiLeaks — Timeline and 30 Reasons Julian Assange Might be Dead or Renditioned

VIDEO: 30 Reasons Why Assange is in Room 101 TEXT: 30 Reasons Why Assange Might Not Be Alive This is a countdown timeline of events, which make a strong case that all may not be well with Julian Assange: 30) May 11th, Michael Ratner, WikiLeaks’ chief counsel dies of cancer. 29) June 10th, Seth Rich, …

Robert Steele: Barack Obama Mis-Informed, John Brennan a Liar — Van Jones (Crap News Network) and Marc Zuckerberg (Facebook) are All Outright Liars — Fake News is What White House, Mainstream & Social Media Mandarins “Do” UPDATE 2

UPDATE 2: Calls to delay electoral college vote on Trump presidency as 70 members demand Russia hack details UPDATE 1: Sam Biddle at The Intercept: Here’s the Public Evidence Russia Hacked the DNC — It’s Not Enough Here is the “official” narrative from the White House relying on CIA (John Brennan, not the many good …

Robert Steele: Fake News as Treason — An Indictment of CIA, NSA & Everyone Else…Russians Did Not Hack Election, This is a Coup in Progress…

With its latest attempt to de-rail the accidental but never-the-less legitimate election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America, CIA — John Brennan specifically and every senior executive not speaking up now to disown Brennan — has crossed the line into indictable treason. There is every reason now to close down …

Eagle: The Fall – and Rise – of the Deliberately Marginalized “Deplorables”

A long good analysis of what has happened in the US of A. Trump beat both Clintons, and both parties. Fall and Rise of the Forgotten ‘Deplorables’ The political gamble that will be the Trump presidency traces back to the desperation of Americans who lost out in the social experiment of neoliberalism — and the Democrats’ …