Mini-Me: Out-Sourcing Drug War – Without Honor

Huh? Pentagon Transfers War on Drugs to Private Mercenaries Including Blackwater Eric Blair Activist Post Since the drug war has become so unpopular with the electorate, instead of politicians actually changing the drug laws, the Department of Defense seeks to reduce and conceal the real costs by transferring the “dirty work” to private contractors to …

Eagle: Israel, CIA Credentials, Terrorist False Flap Operations

Israeli Agents, Phony Credentials, Terrorist Recruiters? Gordon Duff VertansToday, 15 January 2012 When Mark Perry, writing for the CFR, considered the most conservative and certainly the largest American think tank accused Israel of using CIA credentials for recruiting terrorists, particularly against Iran, I nearly fell of my chair. I had known about this all along.  …

Bin Laden Show: Entries 00-99 UPDATED 2 April 2016

Bin Laden Show….world’s most expensive PSYOP that keeps on giving. SHORT URL: 2016-04-02 BBC Censored Benazir Bhutto’s Report that Bin Laden Had Been Murdered 2016-03-01 Osama bin Laden’s will, personal letters made public Bin Laden died in 2001; several fakes followed. The last Bin Laden was a patsy provided by the government of Pakistan …