Phil Giraldi: Zionist Strike 39, Trump Shlonged Again — David Schenker, Zionist Prat Boy, as Assistant Secretary of State for Genociding Palestinians

Welcome David Schenker Another Zionist in charge of American foreign policy To recap, Trump’s A-team in the Middle East is headed by his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner who is being personally advised by a group of Orthodox Jews. David Friedman, the U.S. (sic) Ambassador to Israel is also an Orthodox Jew and a former bankruptcy …

Review: To Catch a Spy – The Art of Counterintelligence

James M. Olson 5 Star Indictment of US Counterintelligence Despite this book being a decade late (the author left CIA in 1998) and somewhat lacking in deep specifics, I have to give it five stars because my own personal experience suggests that the author’s gracious indictment of US counterintelligence is so desperately needed that it …

Review: [Time-Based Two-Man Detect & React] Analogue Network Security by Winn Schwartau

Winn Schwartau 6 Stars – Foundation for IT & Web 3.0 Security This book is critical to the post-Western Web 3.0 new Internet and should be translated into Chinese and Russian as soon as possible. This is a Nobel-level piece of work that provides everything that Vint Cerf and Tim Berner-Lee failed to plan for. …

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Amazon the New NSA Post-Google Mass Surveillance Empire?

AT&T: Amazon Telephone & Telegraph The Bell heads are dazed with the ringing in their ears. The “real” news out Thomson Reuters published “Amazon Interested in Buying Boost from T-Mobile, Sprint.” Amazon’s chief bulldozer driver Jeff Bezos has a sixth sense for creating buzz, generating distraction, and whipping stakeholders into a frenzy of upside. According …