Tom Atlee: Vibrant, effective responses to disaster? YES! say two remarkable women…

Vibrant, effective responses to disaster? As powerful economic, ecological, and social imbalances work themselves out in and around our lives, we face some pretty hard times – some of us already, some of us more than others, most of us increasingly. Each of us hopes we can ameliorate the impacts on ourselves, our communities and …

Michel Bauwens: The Emerging Fourth Sector

Richly deserving of careful attention. The Emerging Fourth Sector The Three Traditional Sectors Businesses create and distribute goods and services that enhance our quality of life, promote growth, and generate prosperity. They spur innovation, reward entrepreneurial effort, provide a return on investment and constantly improve their performance responding to market feedbacks. They draw on the …

Michel Bauwens: The commons law project: A vision of green governance

The commons law project: A vision of green governance Republished from David Bollier: (the original has links to the source material) “For the past two years or more, I’ve been working on a major research and writing project to try to recover from the mists of history the bits and pieces of what might be …

Chuck Spinney: Gar Alperovitz on Rise of the New Economy Movement

The Rise of the New Economy Movement By Gar Alperovitz, AlterNet, 23 May 12 s our political system sputters, a wave of innovative thinking and bold experimentation is quietly sweeping away outmoded economic models. In ‘New Economic Visions’, a special five-part AlterNet series edited by Economics Editor Lynn Parramore in partnership with political economist Gar Alperovitz …

Robert Steele: Occupy World Street – Summary Article and Book

Dr. Thomas Naylor, co-founder of the Vermont Second Republic and the secession movement of Vermont, has written an extremely coherent/cogent account of a new book, Occupy World Street: A Global Roadmap for Radical Economic and Political Reform by Ross Jackson. The article alone is priceless, the book is recommended.  I have reviewed books by Thomas …

Event: 1 March DC Perspectives on Limits to Growth – Challenges to Building a Sustainable Planet

Permanent Record Podcast: JORGEN RANDERS:  Decision delays killing us.  Have all the technology we need to address all these problems.  Economists killing us by not factoring in true costs over time.  Mention Norwegian citizen council, decision to use roughly 1% of Norwegian GNP to solve all these problems, citizens agree. Citing Jeff Immelt, CEO …