Owl: Wikipedia as a Memory Hole — Journalists as Shills — a Public that Embraces “Protective Stupidity” . . .

From Orwell to Gladwell and Back The technology of power is moving from the past’s emphasis on privacy and concealment toward more contemporary techniques of diversion, bias, misconception, and willful stupidity. The crude methods that George Orwell summed up in his image of the incinerator-chute “memory hole” are growing into more sophisticated devices for providing …

Robert Steele: Reflections on China, Open Source, & the Craft of Intelligence UPDATE 1

The below article is important to those thinking about open source software in Europe: Why China is the next proving ground for open source software The article, from TechRepublic, focuses on the Chinese taking the lead in open source software related to big data infrastructure.  “China scale” is a term that should be noted. My …

Owl: Entire US Voter Registration Database (191 Million Profiles) Leaks — Not a Hack, Just Sheer Incompetence

Entire US voter registration record leaks (191 million) I’m Chris Vickery. I know your phone number, address, date of birth, and more (if you’re registered to vote in the US).I have recently downloaded voter registration records for 191 million Americans from a leaky database. I believe this is every registered voter in the entire country. …