Anonymous: Mind Control Case Study – Psychotronics and the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) Threat — Was Donald Trump Implanted During His Hair Operation?

Phi Beta Iota: We have no direct knowledge but believe this information to be credible and worthy of deep investigation if the Deep State can be defeated and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) re-constituted as a genuine counterintelligence organization with integrity in public service. There are increasing signs that the Deep State is using …

Anonymous: WWIII Over North Korea UPDATE 1

Anonymous warns world to ‘prepare’ for World War 3 According to Anonymous, President Trump’s test of the Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile last week — coupled with a recent warning from Japanese officials to citizens, telling them to make preparations for a possible nuclear attack — are ultimately proof that all signs are pointing to a …

Mongoose: German lieutenant who posed as refugee in ‘false flag’ terror plot could be part of neo-Nazi army network UPDATE 1

German lieutenant who posed as refugee in ‘false flag’ terror plot could be part of neo-Nazi army network A cell of suspected right-wing extremists operating within the German army are being investigated as the probe into an alleged terror plot widens. Prosecutors are investigating a group of up to five people surrounding a soldier accused …

Mongoose: How Israel Fakes Out NSA with Signal Rocks that Simulate Syrian Army Transmissions About Sarin Gas UPDATE 2 NSA Incompetence

This was also done to Libya in the past — transmitters in Gaddafi compound to fake his communications to and from “terrorists.” VT Provides Key to Busting Gas Attack Phony Intercepts “What the story doesn’t tell is that the Israeli submarine with 84 onboard, went down with teams of IDF commandos who had been in …