Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Update

Amazonia List Only, Click Above for full report. Amazon’s Net Nanny Zero Gravity, Zero Friction: The Payoff from Amazon Advertising Amazon Telephone & Telegraph Amazon’s Clever Little Pre Wake Word Amazon’s Smart Software Amazon’s Smart Software Amazon Twitch Mai Oui, Amazon Amazon Financial Amazon and Manufacturing Partners and Resellers Need Help Migrating an App to …

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Amazon the New NSA Post-Google Mass Surveillance Empire?

AT&T: Amazon Telephone & Telegraph The Bell heads are dazed with the ringing in their ears. The “real” news out Thomson Reuters published “Amazon Interested in Buying Boost from T-Mobile, Sprint.” Amazon’s chief bulldozer driver Jeff Bezos has a sixth sense for creating buzz, generating distraction, and whipping stakeholders into a frenzy of upside. According …

Stephen E. Arnold: Seriously Stupid at Yale — Mobile Search vs. Library Stacks

Books and Learning: Go Mobile, Stay Clueless I read “The Books of College Libraries Are Turning into Wallpaper.” The main idea is that today’s students are not using libraries to locate books which are then read, thought about, and analyzed in order to: Learn Find useful facts Exploit serendipity Figure out which source or sources …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Reviews – Fake? Robert Steele: Banned, Deleted, Dishonest, & Worthless

Amazon Reviews: Factual or Fakey? Here’s a handy set of tips for the online shopper—LifeHacker tells us “How to Spot Fake Reviews on Amazon.” Writer Brendan Hesse grants there are innocent reasons for incorrect reviews at Amazon, like a user accidentally posting their review in the wrong place, or a software snafu inserting the wrong …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Update

Amazon Update Sub-Titles Only: Amazon’s Big Quarter Digital Freight Brokerage Amazon: Responding to the Sound of Music Open Source Inside a Closed Amazon: The Rent-a-Car Approach Enter the Lawyers Arrive Alexa, Who Fired Me? [Robots firing people — seriously…] Actual Unemployed Real Journalist Opportunity Amazon’s Jungle Drums Servicers of the Bezos Bulldozer Read full report. …