Search: intelligence summits

Garner Business Intelligence Summit 1-2 February 2010 UK Multi Intelligence Summit 2010 8-10 February 2010 Washington DC EUCOM Intelligence Summit 15-17 Feburary 2010 Heidelberg, Germany Non-Traditional Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Summit (NTISR) 22-24 March 2010 Washington DC

Journal: Iran, Sacred Nukes, & US Ignorance

When Nukes Become Sacred The psychology behind Iranian support for the country’s nuclear program Newsweek, Sharon Bagley, 8 January 2010 With sacred values, this cost-benefit calculus is turned on its head, explains anthropologist Scott Atran of the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris, who has studied Islamic terrorist groups. When Atran asked Palestinians if …

Journal: Ivory Tower Musings on Intelligence-Sharing

Why intelligence-sharing can’t always make us safer By Jennifer Sims and Bob Gallucci Friday, January 8, 2010; A19 Phi Beta Iota: This Op-Ed is stunningly irrelevant to the problem at hand: a secret intelligence community that over-emphasizes cash inputs and secret remote collection, and simultaneously fails to exploit machine-speed all-source geospatially and time tagged processing, …