Graphic: OSINT versus OSIS (Information Overload)

Originally created by Dr. Mark Lowenthal, then with OSS.Net, Inc. and since modified, this slide, combined with Graphic: OSINT and Missing Information, depicts the challenge.  What most do not understand is these two facts: 1.  Open Source Information (OSIF) is not the same as Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).  The latter is deliberately discovered, discriminated, distilled, …

Journal: USN Refuses NGF for USMC–Gap Clearly Identified by Expeditionary Factors Study in 1989

Commandant: Marine Corps Seeks Solutions to Naval Surface Fires ‘Void’ In a recent article from “Inside the”, the Marine Corps expressed continued concern for the lack of naval surface fires support that only the DDG-1000 offers.  According to this published report, Marine Corps Commandant, Gen. James Conway, referred to the truncation of the DDG-1000 …

Worth a Look: Digital Democracy–Possibilities

Wiki Government: How Technology Can Make Government Better, Democracy Stronger, and Citizens More Powerful “A sweeping visionary yet highly pragmatic book! Beth Noveck concretely shows how to leverage the participatory nature of web 2.0 technologies to build a new kind of participatory democracy and a smart, lean government. She speaks from experience. A must read …

Journal: Haiti, Obama’s Katrina, NGO-Foundation Rip-Off

When Haitian Ministers Take a 50 Percent Cut of Aide Money It’s Called “Corruption,” When NGOs Skim 50 Percent It’s Called “Overhead” Crushing Haiti, Now as Always By PATRICK COCKBURN The US-run aid effort for Haiti is beginning to look chillingly similar to the criminally slow and disorganized US government support for New Orleans after …