Event: 24 March Bethesda MD Health Informatics Sponsored by Twitter @DCHealth2.0

Plan to join us the evening of March 24th to hear a rapid-fire series of short presentations from five Health Informatics leaders. The presentations will be followed by a panel style Q&A session that will explore a range of topics surrounding Health Informatics. 1. Exploring the role of medical image informatics in clinical practice: Outcomes …

Tahrir Project: Decentralized Anonymous Twitter

The Tahrir Project Tahrir will be decentralized anonymous Twitter, from the crazy fool that brought you Freenet. It is early days but I’m making rapid progress. Tahrir aims to be a distributed, decentralized, scalable, and anonymous “workalike” for Twitter. Overview Architecture Frequently Asked Questions Autonomous Internet Google Group Comment: Not sure what it solves what …

Secrecy News: CIA Culture In Detail

LONG STRANGE JOURNEY: A WHISTLEBLOWER’S TALE In the vast literature of intelligence-related memoirs, the new book Long Strange Journey by Patrick G. Eddington stands out in several ways. Eddington entered the intelligence arena as an imagery analyst for the CIA’s National Photographic Intelligence Center.  Imagery analysis is a predominately technical activity and is not normally …

Event: 2 Mar Fort Myer VA Pentagon Labyrinth

The anthology’s ten authors bring over 400 years of experience in the military services, weapons design and testing, Pentagon management, budget and cost analysis, defense investigations, journalism, intelligence, military history and congressional national security staff work. You are invited to join us for the release of the printed version of The Pentagon Labyrinth: 10 Short …

Review: Reality Is Broken–Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World

Jane McGonigal 6 Star for Concept–Ignores Past Pioneers–Energizes Us All February 28, 2011 I took the time to read all of the reviews to date, and was reminded again of the chasm between those who understand technology and its possibilities, and those who do not. Being among the latter, in part because I am a …

Search: diamond paradigm intelligence steele

Simpler is always better.  This entire site is about intelligence, and steele is the primary author and architect for Era Three in intelligence (Era One was secret war, Era Two strategic analysis–Era Three is smart nations and M4IS2). Graphic: Linear versus Diamond Paradigm First developed for the Canadian Association for Intelligence and Security Studies (CASIS) …