2006 Robert Steele: Reinventing Intelligence

REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE Robert David Steele America is spending $70 billion a year on what it calls “Intelligence,” and for that amount of money we are successfully stealing 5% and ignoring 95% of the information relevant to our national security and prosperity.  We are long over-due for a reinvention of national intelligence. Without belaboring the point, …

Reference: 2009 National Intelligence Strategy of the United States of America

One day we hope to see each State, Commonwealth, Tribe, County, and Municipality realize they need their own unique intelligence strategies tailored to their strategic, operational, tactical, and technical challenges.  The aggregate of all of those bottom-up strategies will, we speculate, turn the national intelligence on its head and get it back to basics.  Smart …

2005 Robert Steele: AMU Student Questions & Answers

Career Research Interview: Intelligence Studies DOC: Steele Interview with AMU Student.doc 1. What private industries or fields do you feel would most benefit from your experience and training within Intelligence? Intelligence is not about secrets. It is about advanced decision-making that makes the most of all available sources, in all languages, in near-real time but …