Theophillis Goodyear: Complex Systems Dynamics, Hueristics, & Poetry

Powerful and effective heuristics are the only way to quickly communicate the complex understandings required to save humanity, because they facilitate quick feedback. They break through information logjams. They reduce information overload. The various elite powers on the planet use heuristics in the form of propaganda to mislead the people and drive them like cattle …

Theophillis Goodyear: The GOP Digs America a Deeper Grave

I agree the two parties have become virtually indistinguishable in many respects. But the Republican Party is far more dangerous, in my opinion. And I think Democrats kowtow to big business interests and the Military Industrial Complex mainly because they are more or less forced to if they want to be able to consistently challenge …

Theophillis Goodyear: It’s Time for Academia to Coin a New Term: The Post-Journalism Era

It’s Time for Academia to Coin a New Term: The Post-Journalism Era >Watching Danny Schechter’s documentary, “WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception,” a term stood out for me: the era of post-journalism. And I could see immediately that it’s an accurate term that should be adopted by academia—-just as the terms, postmodern, neocolonialism, and neoconservatism have …

Theophillis Goodyear: Open Source as Enabler of Integrity

From the Film Casino: The Perfect Analogy for How Open Source Everything Works Sam Rothstein is describing the checks and balances that kept everybody honest in the casino that he was in charge of, and said, “In Vegas, everybody’s gotta watch everybody else. Since the players are looking to beat the casino, the dealers are …

Theophillis Goodyear: Subprime Mortgage — Open Source Could Have Prevented, but Various Information Pathologies (Corruption of Government Being One of Them) Enabled the Fraud

The Subprime Mortgage Crisis: A Perfect Example of the Potential Benefits of Open-Source Governance in the Real World The article: The Nature and Origin of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, (San Jose State University Department of Economics) says,”The guilt for the subprime mortgage financial crisis lies both with the lenders who knowingly put borrowers into booby …