Robert Steele: Donald Trump, Kim Jong-un, Billy Graham — The Christian Back Story Underlying the Koreas Unification

I am constantly impressed by “Sorcha Faal.” Despite being a known fabricator, the quality of the narratives and the integrity of the links used to support the narrative are very valuable — far more valuable than, say, anything from Crap News Network (CNN) or anything in the President’s Daily Brief (PDB). “Deep State” Goes Into …

Steven Aftergood: DoD Report on North Korea Divorced from Reality

DoD: North Korea is Committed to its Nuclear Forces “Pyongyang portrays nuclear weapons as its most effective way to deter the threat from the United States,” the Department of Defense says in a newly disclosed report to Congress on North Korean security policy. “North Korea’s primary strategic goal is perpetual Kim family rule via the …

Gareth Porter: The Deep State Zionist Media Plot to Derail Donald Trump & Unification / Denuclearization of the Koreas

How Corporate Media Are Undermining a US-North Korea Nuclear Weapons Deal These examples of flagrant misrepresentation of facts and irrelevant and nonsensical arguments reflect a fundamental problem with the corporate media as well as the political elites of the United States: They are so wedded to the interests of the national security state and to …