Michael Kearns: Bernie Sanders & Cornell West

Bernie Sanders & Cornel West: The radical alliance that could change everything EXTRACT “I love brother Bernie,” West replied. “He tells the truth about Wall Street. He really does.” But West, who feels burned and spurned by President Obama, his team, and the Democratic Party generally, then turned immediately to the specter of Hillary Clinton. …

Michael Kearns: Recommended Book “Why Torture Doesn’t Work: The Neuroscience of Interrogation”

Professor Shane O’Mara, Director of the Trinity College – Dublin Neuroscience Lab, is having his new book published. A very powerful message to the Bush OLC Lawyers who looked into SERE technuques… they damage the brain when applied over time. Torture is banned because it is cruel and inhumane. But as Shane O’Mara writes in …

Michael Kearns: TruthOut on Time to Talk About the Next System

It’s Time to Talk About the Next System Cecilia Gingerich, TruthOut, 31 March 2015 EXTRACT It follows that for a systemic crisis, relief will come only through systemic solutions. This means structural changes to the political and economic systems, and a radical shift in social and cultural norms. Of course, accomplishing this will be no …

Michael Kearns: Why US House of Representative Does Not Represent the US Public

Why the House of Representatives Doesn’t Represent the US Public One of the really weird ironies of politics these days is the huge divergence between what the US people actually want and what the radical right-wingers in Washington actually do. You won’t hear this on “Fox So-Called News,” but right now the US people are …

Michael Kearns: Internet Space Race

Outernet Joins The Space Race For Internet Accessibility The space race to launch satellites providing internet coverage to the roughly 4 billion people living in unconnected or nominally connected communities around the world is no longer just the purview of billionaire moguls and the world’s biggest Internet companies. Outernet, a small, independently-funded media company with a unique …

Michael Kearns: Google in Charge of Truth?

In charge of truth? Google considers ranking sites on facts, not popularity Google is considering putting itself in charge of online truth, in order to assist users in an age of information overload. The web giant would rank search results based on each site’s ‘truth score’ instead of its popularity level. Read more.