Stephen E. Arnold: IBM’s Watch Goes Shopping — Big Data Heuristics Hit a New Low

IBM Watson Apps Due Next Year December 22, 2013 To what pressing issue is IBM now applying Watson’s superior (artificial) intellect? Why, to shopping, of course. Business Insider reports, “IBM’s Jeopardy-Winning Supercomputer Will Power a ‘Cognitive, Expert Personal Shopper’ App Next Year.” Writer Dylan Love was especially taken by one app on the horizon from …

Search: the craft of intelligence

For reasons we do not comprehend, searching Google works better than searching within a given WordPress site. Here is the preprint, followed by the three previous “revolutionary” articles. 2012 PREPRINT: The Craft of Intelligence 3.5 2009 Intelligence for the President–AND Everyone Else 2006 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic) 2.0 1990 Intelligence in the 1990′s – Six …

Reflections on Tired Databases versus Wired Analytics + Jack Davis & Analytic Tradecraft RECAP

There are multiple analytic flaws with most source data, and particularly with any source data labeled in relation to terrorism. If Israelis have have touched the data in any way, shape, or form (especially including the software), it must be considered contaminated and severely suspect.  While I have nothing critical to say about the application …

Search: books that teach intelligence tradecraft

“Intelligence tradecraft” applies to each element of the intelligence cycle and is distinct for each of the eight tribes of intelligence.  It also varies depending on the threat target and the policy objective. Each of the above can be further distinguished at the four different levels of effort (strategic, operatonal, tactical, technical — the threat …

David Isenberg: What Rules, If Any, Should Govern Death by Drone? (Never mind the 98% collateral damage….)

What Rules Should Govern US Drone Attacks? April 4, 2013 Kenneth Roth Larry Towell/Magnum Photos Drone aircraft at a US base, Afghanistan, 2011 As bits and pieces of the Obama administration’s legal justifications for its drone attacks trickle out, what is most striking is their deliberate ambiguity. The recent Justice Department “White Paper,” for example, …

Robert Steele: Introducing Dr. Greg Newby, Director of the University of Alaska Supercomputing Center, and Co-Founder of the Multinational Open Source Arctic Innovation Consortium (MOSAIC)

Today I had the pleasure of sitting down for a second time with Dr. Greg Newby, director of one of America’s top supercomputing centers, this one in Alaska and operated by the University of Alaska.  He has some ideas about Arctic information collection, prcoessing, analysis, and SHARING that are breath-taking; I attribute this in part …