Sepp Hasslberger: UN & WHO Sterilizing Women in Kenya, Covertly, Via Tetanus Vaccines

Should vaccines be used for covert agendas of birth control? They are, apparently, in Kenya… “Mass sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine According to LifeSiteNews, a Catholic publication, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus vaccination …

Berto Jongman: Syria – 10 Reasons It Will Get Worse — Ending with Creation of Next Generation of Stateless Angry Young Men and Women

The situation in Syria is only going to get worse … and here’s why There’s no political solution to the conflict in sight, but that’s just one of the many reasons that this crisis will not end, writes the UN’s Melissa Fleming LIST ONLY: 1. No political solution to the conflict in sight… 2. … …

Sepp Hasslberger: Kenya Outs United Nations & World Health Organization for a Covert Eugenics Operation to Sterlize Millions of Women via Tetanus Vaccine

The United Nations has a population control policy. Are vaccines used in an underhand way to forward a secret program of pharmaceutical sterilisation? ‘A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine This WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using …

SchwartzReport: Tennessee First State to Jail Women for Pregnancy Outcomes

This is extraordinary legislation, and the latest in the Theocratic Right’s war on women. If I were a fertile woman I am not sure I would live in Tennessee now that this is the law. This is what the world would look like if the Theocratic Right had its way. It’s Official: Tennessee Becomes First …

Francis, Jesuit & Pope: Happy, Open, Thinking, Women on His Mind (Need for a Theology of Women)

Phi Beta Iota: It is increasingly clear that The Most Holy Father Francis, a Jesuit, is likely to be one of the most important voices of this century. This one interview appears to capture the essence of the man, a sinner blessed and chosen by God, to help us all discern and then carry out …

SchwartzReport: 4 Ways Religious Fundamentalists Attack Women on Sex

I think religious fundamentalism ought to be considered a mental illness. Inevitably, and without exception across the globe, it always involves a deep sexual dysfunctionality and a compulsion to suppress and control women. 4 Ways Conservatives Are Fighting to Control Women’s Sex Lives KATIE MCDONOUGH – AlterNet (U.S.) Republicans are fighting to keep women from …

Marcus Aurelius: Divine Secrets of the RYBAT Sisterhood – Four Senior Women from CIA’s Directorate of Operations Discuss Their Careers

Declassified and approved for public release 20 October 2013 PDF (23 Pages): (U) cia-rybat-sisterhood EXTRACT: Depending on your viewpoint, things have changed a little or a lot. Rather than venture helplessly into.that minefield, I would like to introduce a panel of senior women who rose to the ranks of SIS in the Directorate of Operations. …