SchwartzReport: USA Has Soaring Number of Elderly Women in Poverty

What kind of country lets its grandmothers sink into despair and poverty — living on less than $5,500? It embarrasses me that my country has come to this; I take it personally. Perhaps you do too. This is the result of policies dictated by the Theocratic Right, through its possession of the Republican Party. Soaring …

Review: Ending the Male Leadership Myth – How Women Can Save Us from Destroying Ourselves

Fernando Pargas STUNNINGLY Intelligent, Timely, A Study in Ethics, Business, & Governance, April 20, 2013 I received this book as a gift because I have been telling people for over a decade that the 21st Century is going to be the Century of women, whose compassion, intuition, and smaller egos make them so much superior …

John Steiner: Muslim States Agree Violence Against Women and Girls Not Justified by Any Custom, Tradition, or Religious Consideration

MUSLIM STATES AGREE TO ‘HISTORIC’ UN STATEMENT ON WOMEN Muslim and western nations overcame deep divisions to agree a historic United Nations declaration setting out a code of conduct for combatting violence against women. Iran, Libya, Sudan and other Muslim nations agreed to language stating that violence against women and girls could not be justified …

Worth a Look: Books on Why Women Will Rule the 21st Century

12 Women CEOs 12 Different Leadership Styles (Source of Graphic) Learning to See in the Dark: The Roots of Ethical Resistance — Carol Gilligan Speaks at MIT Reference: Peggy Holman Free Video on Emergence Review (DVD): Humanity Ascending Series Part 1: OUR STORY featuring Barbara Marx Hubbard Review (Fiction): Truce – The Day the World …

SchwartzReport: Black-Market Abortions — When Legislators Let Ideological Money Ignore the Reality of Poor Women

Black-Market Abortion Drug Sales Appear To Be Rising The New Republic‘s cover headline this month is a topic that pro-choice activists speak about occasionally amongst themselves, but rarely address in public: “The Rise of DIY Abortions.” The reason that it’s not much discussed in public forums is that reproductive health advocates are data-driven people, and …