Yoda: Cultural History from a Nordic Source – Black Nobility Using Zionists?

Reading this worthy of. These comments to describe the perspective needed to both understand and communicate the above texts and loinks – due to the History behind the OCTOGON, founded in 1050 – when the old Gaius-family of Rome succeeded to tear down the Allied Forces of the Nordic Kingdoms and thus conquer ALL of …

Mongoose: Jews (Zionists?) Kill Free Speech in France

French Writer Hervé Ryssen Jailed for Criticizing Jews Ryssen was found guilty of “insult, provocation, and public defamation due to origin, ethnicity, nationality, race, or religion.” In 2016, he was sentenced to 5 months in jail for passages in his books Understanding Judaism, Understanding Anti-Semitism. In 2017, he was sentenced to 6 months in jail …

Ryan Dawson: $50 for the Map of Zionist Billionaires Funding and Associated with Mossad Pedophilia Entrapment Operations

To the left is the OLD map. We have the new map which names over twelve Zionist billionaires that should all be under DOJ RICO investigation for pedophilia entrapment in support of nuclear smuggling, intellectual property theft, insider trading, and child torture and murder in association with Satanic Ritual Abuse.  DO YOU WANT THE EPSTEIN …