Owl: Syrian False-Flag Gas Attacks Evidence Crucifies Saudi Arabia

Syrian False-Flag Gas Attacks Evidence This page from the Alex Jones site is a must-see, offering a remarkable compilation of 7 separate videos from Arabic sources showing evidence of non-Syrian government entities involved on the gas attack of Syrian civilians. “With the assistance of former PLO member and native Arabic-speaker Walid Shoebat, WND has assembled …

Paul Craig Roberts: YouTube (37:50) The Total Destruction of America from Within

Paul Craig Roberts discusses the dismantling of the U.S. constitution and the current Great Recession.  With opening review of headlines by Alex Jones. Phi Beta Iota:  We embrace a diversity of commentators among our collective, in part to provide our hard-working subscribers and visitors with a panorama of cultural intelligence related to public intelligence in …

Berto Jongman: Wesley Strong on Fear Geoengineering

Fear of a Geo-engineered Planet Wesley Strong Wesley Strong Ethical Technology Posted: Jun 21, 2013 The climate crisis demands our immediate attention. Climate change could devastate thousands of at-risk communities beyond repair and leave the face of the earth scarred. We cannot be alarmist enough about continued climate change and the threat it poses to …

Owl: 2013 Bilderberg Group Meeting – List of Acknowledged Participants

The annual Bilderberger secret meeting of the 1% of the 1% comprising bankers, lawyers, industry titans, academics politicians and the super-rich policy setters is meeting this week at the Grove Hotel, a golf resort in Watford, Hertfordshire, UK. Though the media scrambles to provide front-page coverage on celebrities (especially when they died or gets caught …

Eagle: Round Up of YouTube Videos on Boston and Texas

BOSTON YouTube (8:05) Alex Jones PROOF! Boston Marathon Bombing is Staged Terror Attack Over 2.5 million views. YouTube (3:00) (Beck Gives Obama Till Monday to Admit Boston Bombing was Inside Job Over 1 million views. YouTube (15:05) New Evidence That Boston Bombings Was Staged Please Watch Hollywood blood packets all over the place, Hollywood simulated …

Owl: Micro-Nuke in Boston, Someone Planting False Evidence? Staged Fireball, Most Injuries Staged? + Meta-RECAP

The author of this article makes a good case for the claim that at least one of the bombs in the Boston marathon bombing was a tiny micro-nuke. When reading the start of this article, keep in mind what appears to be an error in the placement of the picture links or confusion in the …