Owl: False Flag Meme Goes Mainstream in Boston — Public Abandoning Main Media – New Photo Series (Man Able to Run Away from Precise Spot of One Bomb)

MEDIA: Photos of one of the blasts, series shows man able to run away. Probably for the first time ever or at least in recent history, it appears the mainstream media has openly considered the Boston bombings were false flag attacks, as specified in this story: “Bin Laden’s repeated statements that he deplored the 9/11 …

Owl: Pedophilia as “Privilege” and “Pure” — Single Source Page for Glimpse of Chasm Into Hell — Coast to Shining Satanic Coast – FBI Complicit? 1.5

A big problem in sharing even excellent, well-sourced information on the theme of pedophiles occupying the highest ranks of organizations, whether they be corporate, governmental or even religious, is not the sense of incredulity such information usually provokes in typically asleep middle-class readers who have lived relatively protected, cocooned existences oblivious to the innumerable black …

Owl: Open Season on Gun Advocates — Is There a Domestic Covert Action Program Underway that Includes Individual Assassinations and Staged Mass Murders?

Gun Makers on Obama’s “Red List”? According to some observers, several well-known manufactures of guns have died recently, and in one case, police declare the death a homicide. “John Noveske is one of the most celebrated battle rifle manufacturers in America. His rifles, found at www.NoveskeRifleworks.com are widely recognized as some of the finest pieces …

Ron Paul: 32 Questions – One More Fight?

32 Questions That All Americans Must Answer Activist Post, 16 November 2012 Ron Paul, in his historic farewell speech to Congress this week, asked 32 thought-provoking questions addressed to his fellow Americans. It’s very clear upon examination of these questions that something is very wrong with our government.  Below are his questions:

Greg Palast: YouTube (30:37) 30 Minutes on Forthcoming US Election Theft 5.9 Million Votes Slated to “Vanish”

Phi Beta Iota:  Three months prior to the 2000 elections in the USA, Greg Palast broke the story on Florida disenfranchising tens of thousands of voters in predominantly Democratic precincts.  Now his new book and the underlying investigations have focused on Bain Capital buying and managing the voting machines in several state, and how the …

Mini-Me: Dr. Steve Pieczenik on War in Middle East from 25 September 2012 – Jim Fetzer Reports Plus Interview & Links

Huh? Steve Pieczenik: World War III starts 25 September 2012 by Jim Fetzer Veterans Today, 21 September 2012 Dr. Steve Pieczenik, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in three administrations, who earned his Ph.D. at MIT, has revealed that he has been told by a high-ranking general–whom I believe to have been Gen. Richard Myers–that …

Mini-Me: Assassination & Election Cancellation Rumors Again

Huh? Kelly Keisling, Tennessee Legislator, Mass Emailed Obama ‘Staged Assassination’ Rumor John Celock Huffington Post, 31 July 2012 Rep. Kelly Keisling, a Republican member of the Tennessee state legislature is circulating a rumor in conservative circles that President Barack Obama is planning to stage a fake assassination attempt—-that he claims would lead to civil unrest in urban areas and …