Robert Steele: Boycott Major Baseball League! They Folded to Agents of a Foreign Power (Israel) and Are Discriminating Against Roger Waters, National Musician, Because He Is Critical of Zionist Apartheid Genocidal Israel…

This is Strike 54 Against the Zionist Apartheid Genocidal State of Israel and its foreign agents (B’Nai Brith, AIPAC, ADL) in the USA. They should all lose their non-profit status and be forced to register as foreign agents. And we should all boycott anything sponsored by the Major Baseball League. The Zionists (not to be …

Rashid Khalid, Censored by Zionist-Controlled Wall Street Journal, on the Erasure of 100 Years of Palestinian History by Zionist Israel

Erasure of Palestinians from Trump’s Middle East ‘Peace Plan” has a hundred year history Whatever the merits of Zionism, Yusuf Diya wrote, the “brutal force of circumstances had to be taken into account.” Palestine “is inhabited by others.” It had an Indigenous population that would never accept being superseded, making it “pure folly” for Zionism …

Review: We Will Not Be Silenced – The Academic Repression of Israel’s Critics Edited by William Robinson & Maryam Griffin

5 Star – Documents Zionist Control of USA With a Foreword by Dr. Cynthia McKinney, who was run out of office by the Zionists (it took them seven tries), this extraordinary book published in 2017 is clearly being repressed — despite very favorable reviews from open-minded reviewers. The book also enjoys a preface from Dr. …

NATO Innovation Hub: Survey and Online Conference – Future Operational Environment

Survey U.S. Army’s Mad Scientist Initiative is conducting an online survey querying your thoughts about the Operational Environment. This survey will also feed NATO’s upcoming Operations 2040 Project. It takes only 5 minutes to complete the short survey here. Interim findings will be discussed during the 29 Jan online conference. 29 Jan Online Conference Together …