Review: A Very Stable Genius by Washington Post “Authors” Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig Clear Defamation with Malice and a Whiff of Plagarism?

SHORT URL: 2 Stars — Defamatory with Malice — Authors Appear to Have Started with List of “Crazy” and Built Book Around Their Maliciously-Contrived Outline Reviewed by Robert David Steele This is in my view a defamatory work, and President Donald Trump, despite being the most public of figures, can and should sue the …

Review: A Palestinian Theology of Liberation – The Bible, Justice, and the Palestine-Israel Conflict by Naim Stifan Ateek

Naim Stifan Ateek 5 Star — The Bible As Jesus Intended — for All, Not Some From the Foreword by Walter Brueggemann: QUOTE (xv): Thus, almost all of the information (misinformation that we receive in the West is filtered through Zionist ideologicial interest that holds in thrall much of the Christian community in the United …

Review: The Shadow War – Inside Russia’s and China’s Secret Operations to Defeat America by Jim Sciutto

Jim Sciutto 2 Star Crap Book, Deep State Party Line Some books just make me want to puke. This is such a book.  It is a “made for TV” party line crap book that spins the very tired and very false narrative that China and Russia (and Iran and North Korea and Cuba, armed with …

CENSORED BY #GoogleGestapo: WORLD WAR III: Ukrainian Flight PS752 Western False Flag (Remote Hijacking / Transponder Disabling to Trigger Two Tor-M1 missiles) Update 2: Iran Now Understands This Was a False Flag Cyber Attack

WORLD WAR III: Was Ukrainian flight PS752 a Western false flag combining remote hijacking and transponder disabling to trigger two Tor-M1 missiles? TEHRAN, Jan. 14 (MNA) – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), says the Ukrainian plane incident …

Paul Craig Roberts: American Leadership Discredited — Will a New Leader Step Forward?

American Leadership Is Discredited — Will a New Leader Step Forward? The alliance between Israel and the neoconservatives is causing a war. The solution is a countervailing alliance that brings the warmongers to their senses. Trump, Pompeo, political generals, rapture evangelism, and presstitutes are simultaneously discrediting the US government, the US military, Christianity, and giving …