Mini-Me: Google Co-Founder on Web Freedom Facing Greatest Threat

Huh? Web freedom faces greatest threat ever, warns Google’s Sergey Brin Exclusive: Threats range from governments trying to control citizens to the rise of Facebook and Apple-style ‘walled gardens’ Ian Katz, Sunday 15 April 2012 Sergey Brin says he and Google co-founder Larry Page would not have been able to create their search giant …

Michel Bauwens: Bill S. Arnaud on Why We Must Bypass Electrical Utilities If We Are to Build a Low Carbon Society

Why we need to bypass electrical utilities if we want to build a low carbon society Excerpted from Bill St. Arnaud: “I have long argued that we need to bypass electrical utilities if we want to build a low carbon society. Utilities, even if they are publicly owned, have an inherent economic incentive to use …

DefDog: 800+ Companies Helping Government Spy on Individuals

Integrity at risk, extending from an invasive government cloaked under the guise “protection” to the sell out by commercial organizations….. CISPA supporters list: 800+ companies that could help Uncle Sam snag your data As the campaign against the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) heats up, it’s important for the opposition movement to understand …

Reference: Gordon Cook on Technology, Economics & Public Interest – Occupy and the Current Global Downturn

2012-04-13 Cook Report Technology Economy and Public Interest Phi Beta Iota:  Gordon Cook sets the gold standard for thoughtful integrated observations and analysis of the Internet.  His materials is read by the greatest of pioneers such as Vint Cerf, as well as by those who aspire to be pionoeers, such as those building the Freedom …

Howard Rheingold: Your Child Will Be Fine – They Live in the Stream…

Brown Alumni Magazine – Friending Your Child “In November 2009, boyd traveled to New York City to deliver what she expected to be a major address at the Web 2.0 Expo, one of the year’s most important gatherings of Internet professionals. Her topic was what she terms “living in the stream,” or how not to …

Marcus Aurelius: Early Warning DoD Reductions in Force 6% to 50%

Starting to see initial indications that at least one part of DoD is gearing up to cut anywhere from 6% to 50% of its workforce within the fairly near term, perhaps beginning as soon as 01 Oct.  Drivers could be generic deficit reduction, sequestration, and historic limitations on strength levels in certain types of organizations.  Expect it …