Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Jan Watkins

Jen is a social scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory where she works on the Collective Decision Making Systems project available at http://cdms.lanl.gov. This project investigates how the design of systems (especially those online) supports accurate and reliable decision making in groups. Collectively intelligence systems Reserved for Future Entry

Review: A Foreign Policy of Freedom–Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship (Paperback)

30 years of speeches, straight common sense November 6, 2007 Ron Paul I would normally give a book like this four stars because it is a collection of speeches entered into the Congressional Record over a 30-year period with no overview. I give it five stars because of the integrity and consistency of the author, …

Graphic: United Nations (UN) & Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Intelligence Tribe (8 of 8)

This tribe includes all the non-profit organizations but is distinguished from civil society by its structure and orientation.  This tribe now vastly outnumbers all the other tribes combined on the battlefield and across the arena of hybird operations.  It’s intelligence or decision-support capabilities are severely deficient at the same time that it represents an extraordinary …