Zero Hedge: Should America Be Redivided Into 100 City-States Instead of 50 States?

The United City-States Of America, Mapped – An Experiment In Redividing The Country Authored by Nolan Gray via, From ancient Greece to Renaissance Italy to the Four Asian Tigers, city-states have always punched above their weight. They’ve driven culture forward, facilitated global commerce, and charged ahead of their nation-bound peers. Notional Map and Hostile …

Event: Howard Rheingold Webinar Augmented Collective Intelligence Theory and Practice 3 May – 7 June Online

Augmented Collective Intelligence: Theory and Practice (Draft) This course introduces the intellectual framework for augmented collective intelligence, from the invention of writing to the emergence of global multimedia networks, and, in parallel, introduces online practices that can extend the knowledge-gathering and sense-making capabilities of individuals and groups. Complete Course Description & Registration Link Below the …

Zero Hedge: American Farm Debt Reaches 1980’s Crisis Levels — Ag Suicides Twice Vet Suicides — If Farms Go Down Guns Go Up…

American Farm Debt Reaches 1980s Crisis Levels: Agriculture Secretary Alert Reader says: Just an up-date from Zero Hedge. add to that the suicide rate of farmers is double that of veterans, and the average age of a farmer is 63. My opinion, when the farms go down – the guns will come up. As I …