Review: They Were Soldiers – How the Wounded Return from America’s Wars: The Untold Story

Ann Jones 5.0 out of 5 stars A necessary book — Gabriel’s trumpet on true cost of war, December 3, 2013 A necessary book. The author has rendered a national — a global — service in documenting the psychological, social, and physical costs of war, costs that surpass the continually astonishing financial cost of war. …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Sigfried Gold on 7 Reasons for Spiritual Progressives to Engage Humbly with Fundamentalists

7 Reasons for Spiritual Progressives to Engage Humbly with Fundamentalists by: Sigfried Gold on November 12th, 2013 | 6 Comments » Progressives deliver lofty words about embracing people who are different from us, but we often fail to put those words into practice when it comes to religious fundamentalists. In truth, there are many deep …

Schwartz Report: Truths That Matter (Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime – How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare)

This is a book review of the new volume by Peter C. Gøtzsche, Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare (New York: Radcliffe Publishing, 2013). It presents the evidence for an aspect of the pharmaceutical industry that almost never gets discussed, but that you should be aware of. Deadly Medicines: Over …

SchwartzReport: Larry Dossey on ONE MIND – How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters

Here is an excellent essay by SR reader, author, and, physician Larry Dossey. I am happy to publish it because it reflects my own views. I encourage you to get Larry’s new book: One Mind. 7 Billion Minds, or One? LARRY DOSSEY, MD – The Huffington Post Source: ONE MIND: How Our Individual Mind Is …

Marcus Aurelius: Five Takeaways from a Decade of War [Defense One] Plus Blistering Alternative View from Phi Beta Iota Editors

Five Takeaways from a Decade of War Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, in a keynote address at the Center for Strategic and International Studies this week, signaled to military commanders that they should assume the across-the-board, automatic spending cuts imposed by sequester over the next decade will remain in place indefinitely. “We do not have …