Antechinus: Toxic US Media — All Show No Substance

U.S. TV News and Communicative Architecture: Between Manufacturing Consent and Mediating Democracy By sidelining communicative architectures that facilitate democracy and an informed electorate, dominant journalistic conventions are key components of propaganda, or the manufacture of consent. Cottle and Matthews argue that ‘communicative structures’ or ‘communicative architectures’, are an under-studied and under-recognised instrument for the manufacture …

Stephen E. Arnold: Print – and Digital – Media Dead

Print and Digital: Both Goners I read in McPaper this article: “Wolff: Print’s Dead — but So Is Digital.” Okay, I learned from Dr. Francis Chivers (Duquesne University professor in the 1960s) that God is dead. I learned from Francis Fukuyama (assorted universities) that history is dead. Now I learn from McPaper that print and …

Berto Jongman: NSF Truthy Social Media Project

Feds Pouring Money Into a Project to Create a Database to Track “Suspicious” Internet Memes The federal government spent $1 million to create an online database that will collect “suspicious” memes and track “misinformation.” The project, which is known as the “Truthy Database” is being funded by The National Science Foundation, but it seems as …

Doug Rushkoff: How Digital Media Finally Enables Distributed Enterprise

Platform Cooperativism, hosted by Trebor Scholz and Nathan Schneider, the closing keynote, a first effort at expressing the gist of my upcoming book, Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus, in 40 minutes of speaking.So here’s the video of that talk. This may be the only talk where I try to include everything, and I think it’s …