Stephen E. Arnold: Entity Extraction Demands Human Intermediation — Computers Cannot Do It All….

Entity Extraction: Human Intermediation Still Necessary I read “Facebook Should Be Able to Handle names like Isis and Phuc Dat Bich.” The article underscores the challenges smart software faces in a world believing that algorithms deliver the bacon. Entity extraction methods requiring human subject matter experts and dictionary editors are expensive and slow. Algorithms are …

Eagle: #StoptheCops — International Police Conference in Chicago Blockaded — Mainstream Media Censors Story

#StopTheCops: Chicago Activists Shut Down International Police Conference Organizers from multiple groups created this event, including BYP 100, Assata’s Daughters, We Charge Genocide, #Not1More, and Organized Communities Against Deportations. Here’s an excerpt from the BYP statement on the protest: Together, we’re organized to demand that our lives, our communities and our futures be made a …

Mongoose: US Media Calculated Fraudulent Campaign Against Putin and Russia

Swedish Analyst – The Smear Campaign against Putin and the true US Agenda – Part 1 While the Russian opinion polls in support of President Putin now has reached a record level of 89% he is simultaneously target of a very dirty smear campaign in the West. Putin, we are told, is a power-hungry dictator …