Kim Dotcom: I Will Bury Facebook, Google, Twitter …. #GoogleGestapo “Days are Numbered”

EXCLUSIVE: Kim Dotcom Drops Bombshell on Twitter, Facebook: “Their Days Are Numbered;” Confirms He’s Now Building Rival ‘Free Speech’ Social Media Platform US tech companies are selling out their users to the Deep State,” Dotcom told True Pundit. “And they engage in opinion manipulation by censorship and promotion of their political biases. They have been exposed. …

Berto Jongman: #GoogleGestapo – What Does Google Know About You?

What Does Google Know About You: A Complete Guide John Mason TheBestVPN Just how does Google know all of this? Jump to our infographic for a quick overview of everything Google knows about you, or check out our full guide by clicking on the icons below. Read full text itemization of everything Google knows about …

Rebecca Campbell: Activist “Replacebook” Seeking to Kill #GoogleGestapo

Citizens for Free Speech is launching a new social media platform designed exclusively for local activists who want to make a difference in their local communities. Having made it through the development stage and the Alpha test cycle, is now looking for volunteers to serve as Beta testers. The Beta test cycle will last up to 30 …

#GoogleGestapo: $1B To Be Spent By Facebook, Google, YouTube Manipulating News [Seeking to Impact on November 2018 Elections?]

#GoogleGestapo is long overdue for a RICO investigation.  All of these expenditures are undeclared illegal campaign contribution to the Democratic Party and its Deep State master. Facebook’s First Wave of Funded News Shows Will Debut July 16, With More on the Way [$90M] YouTube Debuts Plan to Promote and Fund ‘Authoritative’ News [Google Spending $300M]

#GoogleGestapo: $300 Million Being Invested to Make Fake News “More Authoritative” — Google and YouTube Double Down on Lies

YouTube Debuts Plan to Promote and Fund ‘Authoritative’ News Following a year in which YouTube has repeatedly promoted conspiracy-theory videos during breaking news events like the shootings in Parkland, Florida, and Las Vegas, the company announced on Monday a slew of new features it hopes will make news on the platform more reliable and less …

John M. Newman: The Myth of the Free (George Washington Law Review, 86/2, March 2018) – Death Roll for #GoogleGestapo

The Myth of Free 86 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 513 The task is urgent: the Myth of Free is not benign. It has misled courts into granting protected legal status to Free-product suppliers in cases ranging from contract disputes to antitrust and privacy litigation. It has also motivated policy proposals that call for eliminating market interventions—or competitive …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Advertising — Finally Burying Google?

Amazon Wake Up Call Arrives Late I read “Jeff Bezos and Amazon Have the Adveretising Industry Looking over Its Shoulder.” In my mind, the dusty alarm clock has emitted a “ringy dingy.” But some appear to have overslept.   . . .   CNBC reports: Amazon has what many in the advertising industry regard as the most …