Event: 24 March Bethesda MD Health Informatics Sponsored by Twitter @DCHealth2.0

Plan to join us the evening of March 24th to hear a rapid-fire series of short presentations from five Health Informatics leaders. The presentations will be followed by a panel style Q&A session that will explore a range of topics surrounding Health Informatics. 1. Exploring the role of medical image informatics in clinical practice: Outcomes …

TCP/IP Alternative Solution Scenarios

From Scott at SolarNetOne via GoogleGroup on DistributedDecentralizedInternet TCP/IP over quantum entanglement TCP/IP over frequency ranges not yet used … http://www.blazelabs.com/pics/em_spectplanck.gif TCP/IP over Tesla’s scalar impulses Phi Beta Iota: DuckDuckGo stacks added. See Also: Free Space Optics Contextual Comment Below the Line

Event: 11-15 Apr Den Hague NL World Foresight Forum

Inspiration Paper (8 Page PDF) Registration Page (Euro 1895) Home Page Worth a reading, and if you have the time and the money, worth a walk-about.  Typical of Industrial-Era events, lacks structure, but the sponsors, the location, and the general possibilities are all first rate. See Also: